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Labels Decoded. Going beyond buzzwords on sustainable lighting.

November 20, 2023

LED Lights

In the dynamic world of lighting technology, labels and terminologies are ever-changing. Let’s demystify these labels and get a clear understanding of what lies beneath the surface of sustainable lighting products.

Selecting the right lighting products shouldn’t be a complicated task. However, common considerations like optimal power consumption, light output, and light color can become confusing due to the myriad of labels, terms, and symbols found on product packaging.

Let’s unpack these labels, explore what they represent, their importance, and how to identify them on packages.


Understanding Lighting Brightness

The light bulb visual symbol on the packaging informs you of the amount of light emitted by the source, measured in lumens. In other words, the lumen count directly impacts how bright the light is.

For instance, our products offer lumen specifications suitable for household or office areas, with even higher lumens available for larger spaces such as car parks or public areas.
Taking this parameter into consideration is vital as it influences both the brightness and efficiency of the light, affecting the overall ambiance of a space and its energy efficiency. For example, an LED bulb consumes less energy than an incandescent bulb with the same lumen count. Plus, choosing the right lumen output, with efficient energy consumption enables the reduction of carbon footprint.

The Power Label: Why It Matters

Identified by the traditional thunderbolt symbol, the power label shows you the energy consumption of the light source, measured in watts.

Together with the pricing and the lifespan details, the power (wattage) details efficiently inform you of the total cost of ownership: the cost of energy over the lifespan and potential replacement costs.

Our products are designed to cater to diverse purposes and needs, from subtle ambiance to powerful illumination, therefore offering options spanning from low to high wattages.


The Color Temperature Label

The Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) label indicates the color ambiance of the light, measured in Kelvin (K). CCT spans a spectrum from warm to cold colors, ranging from reddish to bluish tones.

For example, a 2500K bulb emits a warm, yellowish light, while bulbs in the 3500-4500K range produce daylight-like illumination. Bulbs with CCTs above 5000K provide a cooler light, similar to a clear sky. Our product specifications range from 2700K up to 8000K, for industrial areas, car parks or public areas.

Warm lights are ideal for intimate spaces like living rooms or bedrooms, while cooler lights are typically used in workspaces or industrial buildings to aid concentration and visibility. However, applications can vary; for instance, lower CCTs are often used outdoors to minimize glare, while art or retail spaces require lighting that doesn’t distort colors.


With a clear understanding of power, brightness, and color, it’s also essential to recognize the distinctions between different products:

The label Value for Money indicates how much energy you would save, compared to traditional lamps. While the switch to newer lighting technologies is directly correlated with lower energy consumption—as well as lower costs—it also has a profound impact on the health of our planet.
Incandescent bulbs convert only 10% of the consumed energy into light, the rest being wasted as heat. They also produce more carbon dioxide, translating into pollution and climate change.

For these reasons, it’s important to choose wisely and consider a high energy-saving level. Our products, for example, can help you save up to 85% on energy compared to traditional lamps.
The Longevity & Durability label informs you of the product’s lifespan, which helps assess the costs over time.

Powered by innovative technologies, our LED lamps and LED luminaires provide impressive lifetime options, up to 100.000 hours, for unmatched longevity and durability. For example, a traditional lighting source, such as the incandescent bulb, lasts around 1.200 hours, on average.

The Brilliant Light Quality Label guarantees you get the best light output. Provided by the flicker-free technology, the light will be consistent, creating a healthier and more comfortable environment.

The more traditional lighting solutions or some of the LED solutions can flicker, due to how the bulb processes the electrical current. This has multiple implications: a flicker-free light source reduces eye strain, provides higher comfort, and is crucial for photography and video-making, as the flickering strongly interferes with the captured image. The flicker can even impact individuals with conditions such as epilepsy by triggering seizures.

In conclusion, knowing how to interpret the main labels on the lighting packaging, from the power labels to the meaning of the innovative technologies used by the light source, is crucial to making the right decision for your needs in terms of health, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Follow us for the upcoming part of this series, which will tackle the labels that refer to the light source’s efficacy, switching cycles, beam angles, and more.